Medtem ko se po vrtu okoli naše hiše sprehaja družina ježkov, ki jim v teh vročih dneh dajemo hrano in vodo, je na moji ustvarjalni mizi nastala škatlica v obliki prikupne Ježice.
Škatlico prijavljam na naslednje izzive:
Lepo se imejte!
Your hedgehog is a lovely wee chap. Thank you for joining us at Creatalicious Challenges.
OdgovoriIzbrišiKar srce razneži tvoja preprosta, a ljubka ježica !
OdgovoriIzbrišiso cute
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for sharing with us over here at "A Perfect Time To Craft" and best of luck with your entry.
Jenna DT for
A lovely hedgehog!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you soo much for taking part in our "anything goes with optional under the sea or fairy tales” challenge over at Creatalicious & good luck in the draw.
Hope to see you again in our new challenge as well…
(DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)
(DT Crafty Friends)
(DT The Sketchy Challenges)
PS: Sorry for the late comment, life had been very busy these past weeks…